Myra Lewin, a master Yogini and founder of the Hale Pule School of Ayurveda and Yoga, has dedicated a significant portion of her life to practicing and teaching these ancient disciplines.
Her journey into Ayurveda began as a quest for self-discovery, which not only allowed her to overcome serious illnesses but also helped her regain balance and joy in her life.
In a recent conversation, she shared insights from her transformative experiences and the profound impact that this lifestyle has had on her well-being.
Simple, direct, amused, creative, discerning, wiggly, flexible, open and considerate of many points of view, freedom oriented.
What I “believe” I am a human learning to be here right now
Learning to be love
Practice what I teach
Patient and accepting
Creative and expansive
Optimistic looking for the opportunities and good in each situation
Having ghee for the first time and feeling my body change notably in one week!
Ingredients for 4 people:
• ½ cup split mung beans
• ½ tsp mineral salt
• 1 tsp ghee
• ½ tsp fenugreek powder
• ½ tsp cumin seeds lightly ground
• 2 whole cloves or ¼ tsp clove powder
• 1 tsp fresh grated or finely chopped ginger
• ¾ -1 cup of water. More or less water may be used depending on the desired thickness.
Cook for 15-20 minutes in a pressure cooker or 25-30 minutes in a covered pot on the stove.
Agnihotra (fire ceremony with offering) honoring the sunrise and sunset.
Mantras and vyruti homa (fire ceremony with mantra and offerings) at 5am.
Pranayama, meditation, mudras. I was told in the beginning that the benefits accumulate over time and that has been my experience! It is my most important meeting of the day.
Gratitude moment each evening for the wonder of life and all of the blessings that come each day.
I practice abhyanga 3-4 times weekly where I apply oil slowly to my body in a pattern that calms the mind and body. I do it in the morning most of the time but occasionally in the evening as it’s helpful for sleep.
Being a good listener.
Letting go of expectations moment by moment.
Acceptance of all participants.
Cultivating a clear sense of my energy, mySelf, so I can see my part in relating.
I don’t think about indulgence as the antithesis of a healthy lifestyle.
I am 69 years young and I feel better now than I did in my twenties. I had health difficulties as a young adult. The so-called indulgences at that time didn’t make me happy and I had plenty of them. Looking back I can see I was miserable with elements of life and was placating or self soothing with things that didn’t serve me. The small escapes in fact caused more problems. I was running away from my lower self, and my lower self was running my life. So I decided to fire my lower self and replace it with a sense of my spiritual self. It’s a process and it IS life.
Strong likes and dislikes are a prison. They made me rigid and my life became narrow as a result. Shaving off those likes and dislikes has given me freedom to experience what is.
I have learned to observe and enjoy the similarities in us and marvel at the differences.
Life flows and I can go with it or try to go against the current and suffer.
Life is a series of choices for which I am fully responsible, learn and move on.
Balance is when I have a sense of mySelf as part of the whole. I am no longer taking things personally. The ability to see the love in all and everything around me.
Individuals with shared purpose, living on purpose to create and be in life. This is Hale Pule.
With Love,
Indigo Luna xx