Join Freya Haley as she shares her vision for 2025: a year rooted in curiosity, grace and rest.
In 2025 & beyond I want to love what is, to live with grace & to gift myself rest. Here are some rituals that make me feel those things.
I am not an endless self improvement project. I am a human, as multidimensional as they come. I do not need to set goals to the moon and crush myself when I cannot reach them. I can love and accept myself for who I am, where I am, now and in each moment regardless of how much I “achieve”.
I can approach myself and all things with loving curiosity. I can love what is. I can romanticise the mundane and lean ever deeper into presence.
I can live with grace. Allow understanding and compassion to be my compass. To always be open to new teachings, perspectives, new experiences, and to always adventure within and without.
I can rest. I can trust that all things will work out when I move in tandem with my natural pace. There is no rush. I can continue to decondition from all that would have me overriding my innate impulses to breathe, break, pause and feel.
I hope for all of you that the new year brings warmth & that you are gentle with yourselves every step of the way.
Thank you, @indigoluna.store, for accompanying me through these different rituals. Your cozy, ethical threads always help me feel at home in my body.